

姚明是中国第一位国际篮球巨星, 身价 (personal wealth)超过10亿美元。前年,姚明因复发性足部和腿部伤病退出赛场。4个月后,他在上海一知名学府注册入校。学校为他量身定做了 学位课堂 (degree program),并主要采取单独授课的方式。据一家官方媒体报道。这位前篮球明星对学习有着强烈的愿望。不过姚明也表示恐怕事情太多,没那么多时间学习。


Yao Ming is China"s first global basketball superstar with a personal wealth at more than $1 billion. Yao Ming quit the game because of repeated foot and leg injuries in the year before last. Four months later, he enrolled in a famous university in S...

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